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East Belfast Sure Start


Mellow Bumps

The Mellow Bumps Antenatal Programme is a 4-6 week programme which takes place Tuesdays 1pm - 3pm. This programme is delivered 2 - 3 times annually.



Parents Room

128 Albertbridge Road



Every parent-to-be wants the best for their baby. One of the best things you can do before the baby is born is to look after yourself as well as preparing for the new arrival.


This six week group will help you chill out and relax. We will also have time to think about what your baby can already do and what you can prepare to make him or her welcome.

Every mum-to-be and dad-to-be also worries about the new baby. Will he or she be healthy and can you look after them? It can be especially hard if you have not had a good childhood or are under stress or experiencing health problems just now.


Getting together with other mums-to-be and sharing ideas can be really supportive. They know how you are feeling so you can support each other.

What will the group be like?

There will be about 6 or 8 mums-to-be and 2 workers. We will meet in a room where we can be private and have space for ourselves. Every week we will do some activities for ourselves and some activities to make us think about the babies, what they can do now and what they will need in the future.


Everything discussed in the group is private unless we think you or your baby might be at risk.

For up to date information on our sessions, Message of the Month and more please visit our Facebook page ----- If you would like any information on our services, please do call, email or message us on Facebook