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East Belfast Sure Start


Little Learners

Little Learners provides a structured and supportive environment for 6 children with social and communication needs.


We work in partnership with the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust Child Development Speech and Language Therapy Service to support children with speech and language delay, social interaction and communication difficulties, behavioural and other developmental difficulties.

The group currently runs on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon from 1pm - 2.30pm. It is organised by the Additional Needs Worker and two Early Years Workers.

Little Learners provides a communication rich play environment and the staff are highly skilled in supporting children’s communication and play. Using elements of the TEACCH approach, visual aids, physical structure and other strategies, children will be encouraged in their development, communication and interaction, confidence and independence of daily routines.

The group has a routine which includes free play, structured tasks with a key worker, physical time, songs, snack, attention building activities and time in the sensory room.

We work closely with parents to ensure that they feel empowered and equipped to nurture their child’s development at home. Alongside the Little Learners sessions, parents can avail of family support and a weekly Parents’ Support Group.

For up to date information on our sessions, Message of the Month and more please visit/ follow our Facebook page ----- If you would like any information on our services, please do call, email or message us on Facebook