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East Belfast Sure Start


Identifying speech, language and communication needs

At Sure Start we want to ensure that children who need help, receive the right support at the right time:


  • Wellcomm screen – we use the wellcomm screening tool to help us identify children who need SLC support

  • Programmes - we have a variety of programmes that are offered according to the needs of the child and family. Some of our groups e.g. social communication and play and development groups are catered specifically for children with communication and/or developmental difficulties.

  • Home visiting - SLC programmes can be delivered in the home with the aim of advising and modelling to the parents how to support the development of their child’s speech and language skills.

  • Referral to specialist services - if a child needs SLC support over and above what Sure Start can offer, we will discuss referral options with the child’s parent e.g. community speech and language therapy, child development clinic and Autism services.

For up to date information on our sessions, Message of the Month and more please visit our Facebook page ----- If you would like any information on our services, please do call, email or message us on Facebook